Software-Engineering student
Hey there beautiful person!! My name is Ayo Fatoye and I am a second year Engineering student at Texas A&M University, with interests in Full-Stack Development, Computing, and Statistical analysis. I also have professional experience with front-end application development and I am a proud organizer at TAMUhack, the largest hackathon at Texas A&M University!!
These are just some of my favorite projects. Check out more of what I've been up to here
One of my personal favourite projects, I used c++ to make a dungeon crawler application that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your very own terminal. This nostalgic project was an amazing way to practice my c++ while making a game I can play in my terminal during breaks.
Inspired by those random moments where you were thinking about something that just vanished from your mind almost as quickly as they appeared, this React.js project utilizes function components and the state hook to simulate a busy mind with many passing thoughts.
Are you a c++ user jealous of python's ability to support arithmetic with unbounded integers? Well, with this string calculator now you can perform calculations with arbitaryly large numbers too!! Just represent them as strings.
On this c++ project, I built an application that uses linked lists alongside key-concepts from spatial genomics and is capable of properly organizing hundred of thousands of individual cells based on their individual information.